Kerajinan Tangan Dari Kardus Dalam Bahasa Inggris - Kapal Perang

Kerajinan tangan dapat dibuat dari apa saja yang terpenting ada keinginan, bahkan dari barang bekas pun jadi jika ada niat seperti kardus susu, kardus rokok, kardus sepatu, kardus pasta gigi, kardus bekas bahkan sedotan. Kita dapat membuat rumah, kotak pensil dari situ.

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Contoh Langkah Langkah Cara Membuat Kapal Perang Dari Kardus Dalam Bahasa Inggris - Kapal Perang Dari Kardus

                                        How To Make A Battle-Ship

  1. 2 cardboard
  2. glue
  3. scissors
  4. 2 straws
  5. 1 stick ice cream
  6. ribbon flag Indonesia
  7. ruler
  8. pencils
  9. 10 palm leaf rib
  10. The razor
  11. rope mattress
  12. watercolor
kerajinan kardus

  1. first of all, is running a pattern on cardboard using pencils to be easily removed when wrong.
  2. second, in accordance with the pattern of cardboard scissors.
  3. Third, make a hole next to the side of the ship within 5 cm on each hole using cater.
  4. Fourth, unite parts of the ship and the rear of the ship used as the entrance and exit of the vehicle warfare.
  5. Fifth, pairs of stick ice cream on pole monitors Indonesian flag ribbon affixed suah.
  6. Sixth, making shots from straw, straw great for us for two that will be placed at the front and a small straw is divided into 4 and place it behind.
  7. seventh, cut up into small sticks and leaving some long sticks. after which the stick is made fence.
  8. eight, create a ladder of rope mattress to climb monitors.
  9. nine, coloring boat.
  10. This battle ship away from water. Battle ships can be used as a decoration of the room and as children's toys.

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